Each province has one law that applies to most renting situations, and then other laws that you may need to know about depending on the kind of property that you are renting. For example, if you are renting a condominium unit in Alberta, you’d want to know about the Residential Tenancies Act and the … [Read more...]
After the Flood for Landlords and Tenants in Alberta
There has been substantial flooding in Alberta this spring. This means that there are some tenants and landlords who need information about renting and their rights after a flood. The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta has developed an info sheet to help people understand their rights and … [Read more...]
Co-Tenants and Co-Responsibilities
Kim and Tim are in love. They decide to move in to a new place together, and they both sign the lease. Kim and Tim fall out of love, and Kim moves out. Tim stays living in the apartment for three years, and then he falls behind on his rent payments. Three years after Kim moved out, she gets sued by … [Read more...]
What’s in a Name? Legal Issues in Changing a Child’s Name
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. – Romeo and Juliet Juliet might have made a convincing argument to dismiss the importance of the label of the name, yet most people see their names as being directly connected with the people that they are. It … [Read more...]
Renting with a Pet
After a long day at work, you might think it would be nice to be greeted at the door by a wagging tail and enthusiastic licks from a stalwart companion. Or to look up as you’re leaving for the day and see your feline friend watching you leave from the window. Before choosing to get a pet, however, … [Read more...]
Protecting Your Personal Information When You Rent
When tenants apply to rent somewhere to live, they usually have to fill out long pages of information about themselves, and they often don’t question why or how the landlord is going to use the personal information that they are providing. Tenants should be concerned about protecting their personal … [Read more...]
Considering Custody
EDITOR'S NOTE Canada's Divorce Act changed on March 1, 2021. The information in this article may be out-of-date. For current information on family law, see CPLEA's Families & Relationships Resources. I recently received this question: How can I get sole custody of my four-year-old son? I … [Read more...]
Five Things Every Tenant Should Know
So you’ve found a nice place to rent and you’re excited about moving into your new home? There are some common things that every tenant should do in order to make sure that the renting process flows smoothly. 1. You should have a written lease. You should always have a written lease with your … [Read more...]