Both federal and provincial legislation are changing with respect to family law. This issue highlights the coming changes as well as other issues facing separating families. This issue also reports on current global concerns.
Feature Articles: Family Break-ups & the Law
Important Changes to the Law Are Coming: Mark your calendar!
John-Paul Boyd
Two big changes to the legislation on family law are coming next year: Alberta’s Family Property Act and Canada’s Divorce Act.
Common Misconceptions about Family Law
Sarah Dargatz
There are many misconceptions out there about the law and legal processes in family disputes; let’s address a few.
From the Trenches of High-Conflict Family Litigation
Erika Hagen
A “Swiss cheese” approach can help lawyers and clients manage high-conflict family litigation files.
Shared Custody Parenting: Income Tax Issues
Hugh Neilson
Availability of income tax benefits for children of former spouses can become complex.
Special Report: Globalization
The Impact of Brexit on the Free Movement of Persons
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
After Brexit, UK citizens will cease being EU citizens and become third-country nationals.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Climate Action
David Lark
Investor-state dispute settlement can impact a state’s ability to make policies on climate change.
International Child Abductions
Max Blitt, Q.C.
To help combat international child abduction, Canada signed the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
Jessica Steingard
New at CPLEA
Lesley Conley
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Christina Tang
Reading Between the Lines: Implied terms in individual employment contracts
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal and Christina Tang
Charter of the French Language: Quebec v Blaikie
Housing Law
Judy Feng
An Update on Short-Term Rentals
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Equality Issues and Assisted Death Legislation
Law and Literature
Rob Normey
Re-opening the Case of L’Étranger
Not-For-Profit Law
Peter Broder
Registered Charity Policy Advocacy: Rules beyond the Income Tax Act
Plain Language
Dave Pettitt
What is Plain Language?
Youth & the Law
Jessica Steingard
Sexting: What’s the big deal?