Understanding Canada's Constitution is a great first step in understanding the debate around Alberta's Sovereignty Act and the draft Saskatchewan First Act. EDITOR'S NOTE Alberta's Sovereignty Act came into effect on December 15, 2022 when it received royal assent from the Lieutenant Governor. … [Read more...]
A Few Facts on … Equalization
Let's fact check a few common misconceptions on equalization and transfer payments. The terms “equalization” and “transfer payments” have been floating around in the news recently. The sheer volume of information thrown at us makes it difficult to figure out what is fact and what is … [Read more...]
What Needs to be Done if Canada Wants to Remove the Monarch?
Canada severing ties with the Royal Family requires amending the Constitution and reviewing treaties signed with Indigenous Peoples. In 1931, Canada became part of the British Commonwealth. It remains one of 54 Commonwealth nations to this day. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, which means it is … [Read more...]
Bench Press – Vol 40-3 Autism, Homeopathy and Custody
Two small boys with severe and profound autism spectrum disorder were at the centre of a custody dispute between their parents. The children have seen a myriad of medical and health care professionals. The father began giving the boys a series of homeopathic treatments after consulting with … [Read more...]
Bills of Rights in Canada
When Canadians think of human rights law, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and their provincial human rights Acts are most likely to come to mind. These are the best known and most important human rights instruments. But what is a Bill of Rights and how is that different from these other two human … [Read more...]
The Constitutions of the Maritime Provinces
To understand the constitutional makeup of Canada, one must appreciate an important historical fact: the constitutional heritage of the country is older than the country itself. This is so because several of the provinces that would eventually become part of the Dominion of Canada had their own … [Read more...]
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: An Integral Part of our Constitution
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter has had a significant impact on our governments and courts and it is a part of our Constitution. How does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter), the Constitution Act, 1982, Schedule B to … [Read more...]